Multiple Wind Turbines in the Ocean
Modal Analysis on a car door at Jaguar's test facility
Boeing 737 Rollfeld on runway
Modal testing at NASA's Kennedy Space Centre on the Orion Ground Test Vehicle


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Condition Monitoring

Condition Monitoring is a hugely valuable tool in the drive to reduce production costs through efficiency and lower machine down time. If you can predict a machine failure before it occurs and carry out remedial service, the result will be a reduction in your costs in the medium to longer term. This can also be used to monitor remote system conditions and to assist in the management of machine safety.

In markets such as wind energy the effective monitoring of turbines is essential in maximising the turbine efficiency, breakdowns can be costly. The same is true of many other rotating machinery applications found in industries such as paper and energy, bearings under constant load and high speed wear and are the heart of a rotation, specific bearing analysis is a great tool for the engineer to use.


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Contact: Sales
9/10 Ardglen Industrial Estate Ardglen Road Whitchurch Hants RG28 7BB UK Work Phone: 01256 895050 Work Fax: 01256 896486 Website:
Categories: Condition Monitoring, Vibration Analysers
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Contact: Jim Flanagan
26A Richmond Road Olton Solihull B92 7RP UK Work Phone: 0121 706 2319 Work Fax: 0121 706 2319 Website:
Categories: Condition Monitoring, Data Acquisition, HALT/HASS, Packaging Testing, Shaker and Amplifiers, Shock/Drop Equipment, Signal Conditioning, Vibration Controllers
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Contact: Sales
Artisan Hillbottom Road Sands Industrial Estate Buckinghamshire High Wycombe HP12 4HJ UK Work Phone: 0845 6801957 Website:
Categories: Condition Monitoring, Sensors, Signal Conditioning
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Unit 11 Southpoint Business Park Ensign Way Southampton Hampshire SO31 4RF UK Work Phone: +44 (0)23 8098 7030 Work Fax: +44 (0)23 8098 7039 Website:
Categories: Condition Monitoring, Vibration Analysers, Vibration Controllers
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