Multiple Wind Turbines in the Ocean
Modal Analysis on a car door at Jaguar's test facility
Boeing 737 Rollfeld on runway
Modal testing at NASA's Kennedy Space Centre on the Orion Ground Test Vehicle


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Highly Accelerated Life Testing and Highly Accelerated Stress Screening HALT HASS have been around for many years but perhaps the use of this testing regime has been limited and the growth slow. It is a harsh method of testing often involving extreme temperature changes coupled with high levels of vibration. The purpose is to expose weaknesses in design and production processes for a wide range of different products. Perhaps its most successful application has been in the world of electronics testing of PCB where is it a good way to expose poor component fitting, soldering and board assembly. Due to the harsh environmental conditions required to meet the test standards, specialist equipment is required.


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Contact: Jim Flanagan
26A Richmond Road Olton Solihull B92 7RP UK Work Phone: 0121 706 2319 Work Fax: 0121 706 2319 Website:
Categories: Condition Monitoring, Data Acquisition, HALT/HASS, Packaging Testing, Shaker and Amplifiers, Shock/Drop Equipment, Signal Conditioning, Vibration Controllers
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