Multiple Wind Turbines in the Ocean
Modal Analysis on a car door at Jaguar's test facility
Boeing 737 Rollfeld on runway
Modal testing at NASA's Kennedy Space Centre on the Orion Ground Test Vehicle


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NVH – Noise Vibration & Harshness

An extensive subject matter covering all aspects of the study of noise and vibration in vehicles. This used to be very much focused on cars and trucks, although its application is more widespread these days. It is still centred on the acoustic and vibratory responses within vehicle structures and how these impact the driver experience as well as affect the long term reliability of the vehicle itself. We all want a quiet, smooth and refined drive and don’t want to be bouncing and vibrating our way down the highway. It is the world of NVH – Noise Vibration & Harshness to ensure this is under control.

The field also now covers new aspects such as the active addition of noise into areas such as exhaust sound and how to make electric vehicles noisier to make then safer for pedestrians. It is an ever evolving field making it a fascinating engineering challenge.


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Vollmerstr. 3 Berlin 12489 Germany Work Phone: +49 30 814563-750 Website:
Categories: Acoustics, Data Acquisition, NVH
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Thurnithistraße 2 30519 Hannover Germany Work Phone: +49 511 856030 Website:
Categories: Data Acquisition, NVH, Vibration Analysers, Vibration Controllers
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Contact: Sales
Station Lane Millbrook Bedford MK45 2JQ UK Work Phone: +44 (0)1525 404 2422 Website:
Categories: Battery Testing, NVH, Test Services
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16400 Bake Parkway Ste 200 Irvine CA 92618 USA Work Phone: 001 949-943-3033 Website:
Categories: NVH, Test Equipment Hire, Test Services
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