Multiple Wind Turbines in the Ocean
Modal Analysis on a car door at Jaguar's test facility
Boeing 737 Rollfeld on runway
Modal testing at NASA's Kennedy Space Centre on the Orion Ground Test Vehicle


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Product Testing Services

This section covers a range of product testing services. Testing your product and getting it ready for market can be expensive. It is a necessary process to avoid reliability issues and warranty costs but if you don’t have the equipment or expertese, what do you do? If this is your issue why not consider using a Product Testing Service or Consultant who can guide you through the relevant test requirements and appropriate standards that might apply to you. Facilities are available all over the world and provide everything you can imagine for any type of environmental, structural or durability type of testing.


For more details about each company and its products, click the entry below to go to their page.

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  • The results are being filtered by the country: Norway
Contact: Sales
Philip Pedersens vei 11 1366 Lysaker Norway Work Phone: +47 22 96 03 30 Website:
Categories: Test Services
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