Multiple Wind Turbines in the Ocean
Modal Analysis on a car door at Jaguar's test facility
Boeing 737 Rollfeld on runway
Modal testing at NASA's Kennedy Space Centre on the Orion Ground Test Vehicle
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Signal Conditioning

This topic covers a wide range of equipment. In simple terms it includes any requirement whereby a signal is conditioned, filtered, amplified in some way. For example one such area is filtering. Whilst many software solutions provide digital filter options to clean up your data, a true high quality analogue filter applied directly to your pre-digitised signal will still be the best for pure clarity.

Another aspect of signal conditioning can be the provision of power for a sensor often in conjunction with signal amplification. A good example of this is IEPE (Integrated Electronics Piezoelectric) which is found in accelerometers and other dynamic sensors.

Piezoelectric sensors such as PE accelerometers also require charge amplifiers, this is another type of signal conditioning.

There are many other types of sensor or test equipment that uses signal conditioning, this category provides a range of suppliers to cover all these needs. If this is a topic that you require help with, contact any of the suppliers for technical support and help in identifying what you need.


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Gabrsko 11a 1420 Trbovlje Slovenia Work Phone: +386 (0)3 56 25 300 Website:
Categories: Data Acquisition, Signal Conditioning, Vibration Analysers
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