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The use of simulation is an alternative to physical testing and is a valuable tool to develop the product further at the design stage, front loading the design process. Utilising CAE & FEA (Computer Aided Engineering) and (Finite Element analysis) tools, provides a method of predicting the effects of structural vibration and loading on materials and the design prior to cutting any metal or plastic. This can also provide an effective method of optimising designs for reduced weight and improved performance.

As products become ever more advanced and complex and materials technology improves the cost of physical prototype testing increases. There are already many examples whereby CAE & FEA have been used to reduce physical testing demands and reduce the time and cost to bring products to market.

Simulation tools can also be used in a wide variety of other applications including NVH and Fluid Dynamics


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Contact: Gary McDonald
The Sussex Innovation Centre Science Park Square Falmer Brighton East Sussex BN1 9SB UK Work Phone: 01273 704419 Website:
Categories: Simulation
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